Black-Eyed Suzie

Dolls. Words.

Dolls (Mine)


Dolls (Mine)Your Name6 Comments

Happy New Year!  Does anyone else out there feel like every year since 2000 has sounded like science fiction/ make-believe?  I don't know if I'll ever get my head into this millennium...Anyway, I hope all your days of late have been merry and bright!

I thought I'd share a few photos of Christmas presents I made, some of which I'll soon be adding to my shop as prints.  Yes, it's time to bring back the prints.  I never meant to leave them out for this long, but I looked up after my little boy was born and suddenly a year had gone by.  It scares me sometimes how quickly it goes by.


Bird Gehrls I & II, named for one of my favourite Antony and the Johnsons songs.  I have a few little left cages, so I'll be making more of these.

Birdgerhl (2)

And one more ballerina...I think I'll make more of these eventually, too.  This time I used silk organza for the tutu instead of tulle and liked it even more. 

Tasha close

Making it reminded me of how I once insisted on wearing my ratty pink tutu to school (paired it with a plaid shirt).  My poor mother...she relented, and now that I have a baby I understand why. If we could somehow harness the willfulness and determination of young children, we could solve the world's energy problems.

Tasha long

Swan Lake Dolls

Dolls (Mine), Ye Olde Shoppe UpdatesYour Name11 Comments

I've been away from blogland for a while, but I return bearing treats...I have finally finished and photographed all of my Swan Lake dolls! Completing these five dolls felt a little like a marathon at times; gone are the days when I could sit and work for hours at a time.  Now I sneak in an hour here, twenty minutes there.  So, while spending time with my babe is my absolute priority, I'm pretty proud to have finally finished these, despite being way behind my projected schedule.  ('Schedule' is a word that is beginning to seem preposterous to me!)But enough babbling and onto photos:

~click photos to enlarge~

Odile 2

  Odile 2 chair-1

~click photos to enlarge~

Odette 21

Odette 2 chair-1

Odile 1

Odile 1 chair-1 

~click photos to enlarge~

  Odette 1

Odette 1 chair-1

~click photos to enlarge~

Odile 3

Odile 3 chair-1
Over the next week, I'll be making up the doll listings with descriptions, sizes and prices for each doll.  I'm going to wait until the listings and the newsletter are done before announcing the date of the update because I don't want to get stuck racing to finish things at the last minute.  I'll provide links to the listings in the Shop Update announcement.  Remember that if you would like to receive my newsletter, you can sign up by filling out the badge in the upper right hand corner of this blog, just below the banner.  I send out a brief notice a few days before each update, as well as a notice just before the dolls are added to the shop.


Getting There

Dolls (Mine)Your Name12 Comments

First of all, thank you so much for all the lovely comments about Octavia -  I think she broke the record, and it was lovely to hear your feedback. Some people thought she looked less sad than some of my other dolls, and while that wasn't a conscious choice, I am feeling very excited about and grateful for all that is to come, so maybe she absorbed some of that hopeful spirit.  But although I smile a lot these days,  I won't be making any smiling dolls any time soon (or, most likely, ever). 

A few people have written me asking if I'm planning an update for fall, and I promise I am - I even have the pictures (and the glue in my hair) to prove it.  But I am moving slower than usual these days, which from what I hear, is normal in the third trimester of pregnancy. 

Wip1 Wip3
I was hoping to have these ladies finished by the end of September, but it's looking more like early October.  I don't know how much I've written here about my new program, but I'm back in school full-time for the fall (I'll take time off when the baby is born and most likely head back next fall).  I have now graduated with my MA in English (woot!), but Mr. L and I have both decided to study Translation (French to English).  Translation is big business here in Québec, what with it being a largely Francophone province, but really translation is big all across Canada, which is officially a bilingual country.  Anyway, we want to move to the countryside and we want to work from home and translation is one way to stay regularly self-employed from anywhere.  A phone, a computer and an internet connection and you're all set.   Supposedly there's an entire colony of Québec translators living and working in Bali, but I would never survive in a place where the weather is so consistently hot and sunny; I need my snowstorms and rainy days and fall is my favourite season...

Wip2 Wip 4

Most likely, this next update will be the last of my small dolls for a while; I hope to do one last, smallish update with 4-5 larger dolls before the baby is born, and then I'll just have to wait and see how  this little creature wants to spend the days...

Fairy Floss in Shangri-La

Dolls (Mine)Your Name10 Comments

Still being stunned daily by the beauty of Cape Breton... I've come every summer of my life since I was a few months old and I never stop being amazed by it. Mr. L has been quite swamped with work, so I've been spending my days reading, making sandwiches, going for walks, rolling around in the grass with the cats (who are ecstatic, of course) and sanding tiny body parts. In the early evenings we head for the beach and watch the sun go down. With this luxurious pace of life, I've finally had enough time to make some progress on my ball-jointed doll; I'll share some photos of her in the next few days.  But for now, I have a photo of a little doll bust I gave Rebecca (you'll remember her as my dear, dear friend whose house we're enjoying so much) for her birthday a couple of years ago.  I remember being in such a mad rush to get the bust done in time the day of her party that I didn't have time to take a photo - in fact I ran out of the house with the glue still wet!  So here she is, looking all pensive and tragic:

Rebecca's bust 

In keeping with the pinkish-creamish-fairy-flossish colour scheme, I snapped these lovely, pale poppies just outside the door.  I'd never seen white poppies before, and not being a big fan of bright red flowers (but, paradoxically, a lover of poppies), I was delighted to see these appear the other morning.

   Poppy 1 Poppy 2
And have I mentioned that I've started to feel the baby kick?  Such an amazing feeling, like having a little fish and butterflies and tiny kick-boxer in my stomach all at once.  It makes me laugh and nearly cry.  Is there really a tiny person in there? I still can't quite believe it...

A Fairy Godmother

Custom Dolls, Dolls (Mine)Your Name10 Comments

It probably won't surprise those of you who follow my blog that fairies aren't really my thing.  I love the idea of fairies, mind you, especially the somewhat menacing fairies of Irish folklore, but I generally find visual representations of them to be a little too cutesy for my taste (and sometimes weirdly sexualized, like those hoochie-mama fairies who lounge on toadstools wearing bikinis and looking like they just stepped out of the pages of Maxim).  But recently, my godmother's husband asked me to make a doll for my Godmother's birthday. (When family and close friends ask, my "no custom orders at this time"  dictum becomes a little wobbly.)  

Fairy close
And because when I was growing up, my Godmother was known as my Fairy Godmother, we agreed that the doll should have wings of some sort and a somewhat fairy-esque vibe (which to me means some diaphanous clothing and whatever else I feel like).  I also promised a tiny moose because my Fairy Godmother loves moose, and so I made a little albino moose and very stupidly forgot to take a single photo of him, even though I was quite delighted with how he turned out.  But I did manage to snap the fairy a few times, so here she is.

Fairy mid Fairy mid 2

This fairy has flame-red hair, just like her human counterpart did when I was little.  So, why is she a Fairy Godmother rather than just the garden variety?  She used to help me get ready for school, and let me wear my tutu with a plaid shirt because I refused to be talked into something more sensible.  She gave me the best books, and once when I was about six and too small to reach the counters, she spread newspaper out all over the kitchen floor so that I could help make cookies.  We mailed the cookies along with a letter and some photos to my Grandmother in England, who later told my FG that when she opened the box left by the postman in the garage, she sat down on a box of old newspapers and cried.  

Happy Birthday Auntie Mo!

Happily Ever After...

Custom Dolls, Dolls (Mine)Your Name16 Comments

I went on record last summer saying that I would no longer be taking custom orders, and while that's still generally true, I do find it hard to say no to family and friends, so I do still make the occasional special dollie based on a specific request.  Recently, I contacted a professor in my department about something altogether non-doll, and when she wrote back she asked if I was the same Sarah Faber who made dolls.  It turned out that she'd read the Globe & Mail article from a few months back but, never having taught me, didn't know that I was also a student in the department.  It was all quite exciting because I felt, for a brief moment, like a very small 'c' celebrity - I'm sure it's as close to that feeling as I'll ever get!  Anyway, said very kind professor asked if I'd make a custom order for her brother's wedding gift, and after she gave me my fleeting moment of feeling ever so slightly puffed up, how could I say no?  It turns out flattery really will get you everywhere...

Jo&kevin 2 

These pictures aren't the greatest - I was in too much of a hurry to set up a proper shot.  But here is the happy couple, doll-style.  I fell in love with the boy doll - I think I'll have to make a couple for my next update...

Jo&kevin 3 

p.s. Thanks for making the hat, baby... and the stands!  You're the best! Marry me!! 

p.p.s Newer readers: I didn't really just propose via the internet...we're already married.

Yo Miss

Beloved People of Mine, Dolls (Mine), Things I did Today (or Yesterday)Your Name15 Comments

Finally: the first of completed Alices, all frilly and sugar-soaked.  But I want to tell a non-doll related story, accompanied by doll photos.  Is that just too mind-bending?  I think you can handle it...

Red & white 

Tuesday evening I met with my most-fabulous Ladies Literary Auxiliary a-Go-Go. (That is our official title - I swear I didn't just make it up.)  The Ladies Auxiliary is made up of yours truly and five super-smart and talented women who I've met since starting my master's in creative writing.  We were all in a writing workshop together last year and we appreciated each other's writing and critiques so much that we decided, once the workshop was over, to get together once a week and discuss one another's writing.   Every week a different lady sends everyone a chapter or story, and then we take turns making dinner and hosting the workshop.  So then we get together, drink wine, eat yummy food and rip someone to shreds. 

Pink & green close 

Oh, look how sad that makes these two.  No, we are quite tactful, but still honest and direct and the whole experience is so much fun and also tremendously  helpful.  As writers, we are usually squirreled away in our quiet little corners, sitting in silence and begging the muse to sing.  It can somewhat isolating, so it's great to get together and encourage one another (and of course bitch a little about the writer's life).  
Bob & red

But why the title of this post?  Well, many writers teach to pay the rent and you might remember some of my own screeds about teaching, back before I decided to throw my lot in with dollies full-time (try explaining that career choice at weddings - I'm nothing if not practical!)  But one of our group teaches full-time and the other night she told us about an email she got in response to a class assignment she'd given that I have to share here:

Yo Miss,

I didn't understand ur ass. one little bit.  Pls. clarify.

So, gentle readers, a reminder to us all: in this era of blackberries and twitter and MSN, let us choose our abbr.s carefully.  (We all agreed, however, that the student's correct use of a comma after 'Miss' was admirable.)

White & black

But what about the Alices???  No need to yell, imaginary reader. (Oh wait, that was just me yelling at myself again.)  They are coming along well, if a bit slower than I'd hoped.  Some of the little details like striped stockings and the eensy-weensy hairbands have been quite fussy and time-consuming, but I worth it, I think, because they're pretty dang cute.   I've also given most of their dresses double layers, to suggest the traditional Alice-y apron. Layers and ruffles and all-round girliosity.

Legless, with Dresses

Dolls (Mine), Works in ProgressYour Name11 Comments

Thank you to everyone who offered sympathy and advice for my back woes - I've been much more careful lately, and doing more stretches, sun salutations and swimming (a little alliteration, all?) which have definitely helped.  And though I promise I'm no longer being careless, I have been working away quite hard on my Alices, as I really want this update to be my biggest and best.  There are reasons for this which will be revealed shortly, but for now I must remain cryptic... My last post was so crusty, and with such, sad, anemic little photos that I decided I had to post some better ones.

Wips group 

You might remember a post from a few weeks ago about some lovely vintage fabric I acquired: gorgeous candy-coloured silks, mostly organza.  I think I might have to convert almost exclusively to silk organza; it's crisp yet soft, and holds creases, pleats and shaping so beautifully, and it's very pleasant to sew.

Wips green Wip pale flowers 

I've also given these dolls underskirts with ruffles, and continued to include lots of texturing in the fabric, which I'm discovering is so much more fun than trying to work from a pattern. So my  Alices are turning out to be quite frothy little confections; I never used to like pastel colours, but I love these, and whenever I walk into my little studio, it feels light and airy and sweet as marshmallow.

Wips 2
I'm also working on some larger dolls, but they are still mostly just detached heads, torsos and arms, so I'll have more photos of them as I progress.  I hope all have a ruffly, candy-coloured week!

Head 1


An Unhappy Valentine & Five More Dollies

Dolls (Mine), Prints, Ye Olde Shoppe UpdatesYour Name14 Comments

Here are the final dolls for tomorrow's update, as well as two new prints.

Faces mosaic 3

These four ladies are all  between 10 - 13".

Seated mosaic 3

The Unhappy Bride is fully poseable with a wire armature, and stands 16" (41 cm).

Unhappy bride chair etsy
It would appear that groom met an unfortunate end, but at least she's sentimental enough to have  held on to a souvenir.

Unhappy wife close etsy
She also stars in one of my two new Valentine's Day prints.  Now, as you might have garnered from my blog, I am very much in love with my dear Mr. L., and yet I have a morbid streak that  compels me to flout the warm, sweet sentiments of Valentine's for stories of heartbreak and love gone horribly awry.  Abandoned young girls?  Eviscerated grooms?  Oh dear....

My Bloody Valentine

Bloody valentine (etsy)

And poor little Dafia got all dressed up and put out her best tea set for her special one, only to be...

Stood Up

Stood up (etsy) 

But hey, at least I observed the convention of red and pink, right? 

*Some important changes to my Shipping & Insurance Policies* 

  Every January, Canada Post rewards its faithful customers with a rate increase, so my shipping rates have gone up by about a dollar for dolls (this is still slightly less than the actual cost of shipping + materials).  Also, I will no longer automatically insure items under $175 shipped outside of Canada.  Items shipped outside of Canada are insured up to $100, so please contact me as soon as you purchase if you would like to purchase additional insurance ($2).  Items over $175 will automatically be insured for the full amount.  Also, tracking is available within the US for an additional cost; please contact me if you would like tracking. 

Sunday, January 24, 2010 at 06:46 PM

Dolls (Mine), Ye Olde Shoppe UpdatesYour Name12 Comments

My most recent group of dolls don't really have a theme per se - I just tried to use more colour than usual in effort to rebel against the frozen drabness of January.  My dolls' hair and clothes continue to become more and more asymmetrical, which is fun because it gives me a lot of freedom and I really enjoying texturing fabric.  I'm posting the first ten dolls today and will post the next four on Tuesday.

Doll faces mosaic 1

Winnie, in the upper right-hand corner, is the doll whose proceeds will go to Doctor's Without Borders Haitian relief fund.  I named her after a little girl that was rescued after three days buried under the rubble.

Faces mosaic 2

I'm also working on a couple of prints; just keeping my fingers crossed that I can finish them by Wednesday.

(All dolls are made from paperclay and measure between 10" and 13" inches.)

Seated mosaic 2

Seated mosaic 2 

Alis sit Esme sit

Okay, I'm off to sculpt tiny feet! 

A Very Good Year

Dolls (Mine), Things I did Today (or Yesterday)Your Name16 Comments

Despite sounding like the title of a futuristic, dystopian film, 2010 has been quite lovely so far.  And while I'm  generally both superstitious and circumspect, and don't like to tempt the gods by being too optimistic, I'm throwing caution to the wind and putting forth this brazenly happy list:

Three Reasons Why I Love 2010 so Far                                                                                                       

1.  I am literally one day away from finishing the first draft of my first novel.  It's been six years (off and on) so this is huge for me.  I still have a thorough rewrite on the horizon, but a complete draft feels very significant; it's like having a whole skeleton. Blood and guts to follow...

2.  My dolls now have transportation...

4248285501_0ae42f66af the form of this most-excellent Penny-Farthingale bike made for by Mr. L.,once again earning his title. It has a little leather seat and real pedals that go all the way around.

3.  I'm taking a course called Sexuality in 18th Century British Literature.  I've always been interested in the Restoration and court life, and as so many 18th C. writers were connected to the monarchy - and rather pervy - there promises to be some juicy stuff.

I hope all you all lovely holidays.  We had a very nice time in Maine, and Mr. L's mom had decorated the house so beautifully.  Instead of erecting a traditional Christmas tree, she decorated her Gardenia tree and the whole place felt warm and cheerful.


There were also all kinds of  sweet, tiny objects around the house, including these darling animals, which were about the size of a quarter:


We took along our little black friend because of his recent feline asthma diagnosis and he fared very well; he spent the entire eight hour drive quite sitting quite calmly  on my lap (each way) but looked up and let out an irate  miaow  every few minutes just to be sure I knew that he did not approve of the whole situation. I told him I completely understood.  We were back in time for new year's eve when we cleaned the whole apartment (I even reorganized my linen closet)  and drank champagne, which made it so much more fun than usual (hence an hour of my life devoted to tidy linens!)

Finally, in case I don't already prattle on enough, there's a little interview about me on Paul Grimsley's InToViews website, which you can find here.  Now I must return to my latest batch of girls, but first I wish you all health and happiness in the new year!!

And scene!

Dolls (Mine), Ye Olde Shoppe UpdatesYour Name6 Comments

Okay, this is really it: two little figurines and a few more wee ornaments.

Nik mid etsy

Nikita stands 10.5"/ 27cm high and is made from paperclay.  She's ready for the ball (the ball of very short dresses...)

Nik long

Chloe is a bit taller (11.5"/ 29 cm) and a bit more reserved, but has been known to tell a rude joke from time to time.

Chloe close angle

Both Nikita and Chloe come with a detachable base made by Mr. L. with his grandad's fancy tools.

Chl long 2
Slightly scary Bettina (the albino) and her friend Feigie:

Bette blog  Feigie main blog: etsy 

And Lucy got a brass flower crown:

Lucy 2 close


Pretty Girls in their Party Dresses

Dolls (Mine), Ye Olde Shoppe UpdatesYour Name6 Comments

Some of these ladies look like they drink wholesome cups of hot apple cider while baking berry-filled pies; some clearly never get up before noon and live on cocktails, cigarellos and canapés...

Doll mosaic 1
These ladies all measure between 9.5 - 11 inches (24-28cm) except for little Luanne, who is 8.5" (21 cm).  They are all made from paperclay, with mohair/ wool wigs and scraps of vintage fabric for clothing.

Doll mosaic 2 w: text

If you're thinking of adopting one of these girls as a Christmas gift, please see Canada Post's suggested shipping dates here.

Ghys close w- text   Luanne close w: text

In addition to these dolls, I also have several new pendants and ornaments, which I'll post photos of tomorrow.  They're also mostly themed according to my interpretation of Christmas colours, with a tiny bit of pink and chartreuse sneaking in here and there.

Seated mosaic 1 w: text 

Seated mosiac 2 w: text

(Yes, that's a little bird nesting in Frazey's hair!  She obviously never let her mother comb her hair as a child and now we know it's true what mom always said; animals really will come live in your hair if it's messy.  Although my mother had a bit of a dark streak (surprise!) and she always said it would be rats...)

Cec sit w: text   Luanne sit 

All photos courtesy of Mr. L; we are now off to be-wig the little ornaments.  They're so dreadfully demanding....

Much Atweet about Nothing?

Dolls (Mine), Ye Olde Shoppe UpdatesYour Name10 Comments

Some of you have written to say that you're happy I'm back posting again.  Other than 2 1/2 weeks in October, however, I haven't really been away.  So if that's the absence some are referring to, I'm touched that it didn't go unnoticed.  But a few others also wrote to say that my blog hasn't been updating in their google readers since August (!!) even though I've been posting fairly regularly since then.  I contacted Typepad about that snag and it was hastily fixed, so thank you Petrina, for alerting me to the problem and my apologies to anyone who's been flummoxed, or wondering why I've been flaking out for all these months.  I'm pretty flaky, but not quite that flaky. No doubt I did something weird to my blog preferences without even noticing;  I'm definitely that flaky.

Picture 6

And while we're on the topic of webmastering (or my inability to do so) I finally took the massive (for me) plunge and joined Twitter.  I have to say I've been pretty skeptical about Twitter for a while.  I can definitely sees its potential to be really useful and entertaining (being clever and interesting in 140 characters is no small feat); on the other hand, I see its potential to become a place for any and all mental ephemera...whatever happens to be running through one's mind at the moment recorded for whomever to see.  And when I've browsed through some people's posts, it has sometimes seemed like just that; pretty mundane stuff that, while we all experience it, I'm not sure why anyone would want to read about it.  Or, in other cases, it seemed like reams and reams of pure, unadulterated self-promotion; while it would be disingenuous of me to pretend I have no interest in promoting my work, I guess I hope that's not all I'm doing. (It still amazes me that people read this little ol' blog of mine - I was worried when I started it that I wouldn't be able to think of anything worth writing about.)

But then I found some people on Twitter who truly manage to be both funny and informative, and I've decided to give it a try.  I'm not marrying it just yet; just having a dalliance, hoping to drop a few bon mots its way, catch its eye, see if we have any chemistry.  And I so while I'm a little red-faced even suggesting this, if you want to 'follow me' (come one - it sounds dirty, right?) you can do so by clicking on the little twitter icon on the right hand side under 'My Other Accounts' (just under my Flickr badge).  My Twitter username is Blackeyedsuzi (no 'e') as sadly my preferred spelling has been usurped.


Finally, I've settled on this Sunday, November 8th at 4:00 pm for my next shop update featuring more of these be-sweatered ladies.  This one will be smaller than my last, with 8 - 10 new dolls and a few new prints; as my thesis deadline approaches, writing takes up more and more time.  But I will do one more before Christmas, sometime in early December.

Harriet sit

I'm off to make to make dinner...Happy November!

Keep Warm

Dolls (Mine)Your Name12 Comments

Snow fell here in Montreal last week; honest-to-goodness big, wet flakes of beautiful snow.  Lovely to  behold, but somewhat horrifying to consider.  If it starts snowing in October, that means winter could last as long as seven months, as opposed to its usual 5-6 month stranglehold. I actually love winter for the first three months or so, but then the love turns to tolerance, which soon sours to frustration , and then finall I start to weep on the inside.  So, as you can see, I have rather complicated feelings about those  pretty little flakes.  It's been quite cold and grey this past week, and I'm preoccupied with keeping warm; double-socks with slippers, scarves on inside the house.  It doesn't seem fair to make the dolls suffer their usual little bare arms, so I've given a few little sleeved capelets to wear.  They look so cute, I'm thinking I need a few for myself...

Tilly mid

Some are still naked and bald, the poor dears, so I'm busily chopping up old, holey sweaters and giving them new life as doll-warmers.

Wips 10.23 

The cats, however, seem to have this whole business of keeping warm all figured out.  Here they are, all three, in a sweet kitten heap. 

Kitten pile

As I write the, the Mr. l'Orange is firmly planted under my chin. He thinks it's time to stop writing!

Currently Experiencing Technical Difficulties...

Dolls (Mine), FilmYour Name5 Comments

I apologize, faithful readers, for such a long absence.  I spent six days in Toronto last week for Canadian Thanksgiving, and am now having very painful computer drama.  Well, it's not all that dramatic really; for many months I had the use of a lovely, shiny practically brand-new Mac powerbook (o glorious object!) thanks to the huge generosity of a friend of mine. But now I'm back to my own ancient and hair-tearingly slow beast of a computer, which makes even the simplest of tasks take forever.  I feel as though I've been flung back into the dinosaur age, or at least the days of dial-up, which were dark days indeed. (And this is where my fascination with the past reveals my utter hypocrisy because I do like certain things - computer things -  to be shiny and new and fast, fast, fast!) 

But I must take a deep breath, accept that until we get a new computer, such things will take six times as long, and soldier on...On the luddite front, I had another assembly-line evening the other night where I hand-tore dozens of the little thank you cards I include with orders and then stamped them all with my sweet little black-eyed susan stamp. 

Cards stamp  Cards row

They are very simple, but quite pretty, especially all in a row.

Cards close 

I'm also working away on new dolls for my next shop update, which will take place sometime in early November.

Doll wips

This weekend, we saw the new Jane Campion film, Bright Star, about the relationship between Keats and his fiancée Fanny Brawn; so, so lovely.  I confess I have a weakness for period film and will watch pretty much anything with big, rustling dresses (though, being set in the early 19th century, Bright Star's dresses are not so very big).  But this is a truly beautiful film, pretty clothes aside; the story is heart-breaking and romantic while still being restrained, and the actors are all excellent (though I did have try to push images of Abbie Cornish snuggled up next to Ryan 'dead-eyes' Phillipe out of mind).  And it is really worth seeing in the theatre because there are some stunning shots of the English countryside and the heaths.  Oh, le sigh!  I snivelled away in the theatre, but managed  - just barely - not to break into the big, slobby dry-heaves. You can watch the trailer here, and if you go, take your tissues...

Picture 3

Clotilde, Mathilde & Something Furry in a Basket

Dolls (Mine)Your Name9 Comments

I have two new ladies to display, both of the French persuasion.  After my last update in July, a few people wrote to ask if I would be making any more Witchy-Poo dolls, so while I didn't want to make anything too close, I do a love a nice witch.  For this update, I'm making several smaller, witchy-poo style dolls along with a few larger ones; it's nice to work on something that can be finished in a few days (as opposed to a few weeks like the larger ones) and it's also nice to offer something a bit more affordable.  (But if I ever utter the word 'Recessionista' as used in the oh-so-many offensive articles out there about how to be a raging luxury-goods consumer and still save money (??) someone please write me a scathing letter). 

I haven't entirely decided if Mathilde is a witch or a ghost, but I'm leaning toward ghost, hence her name.  I think she met some kind of ghastly end, but that hasn't quite come to me either.


I think she and Clotilde were up to no good, and somehow Matilde paid the price, leaving her diminutive friend very distressed, as you can tell from her wide-eyed and alarmed expression:


But they remain friends, perhaps dividing their time between this life and the next, and Clotilde tries not to get upset when Mathilde suddenly wafts up from between the floorboards and makes her poor friend dribble tea all down her front.  (But Clo's eyes say, 'Dammit woman! Stop sneaking up on me!')

Clotilde & matilde

Now, I know it's not good to go on and on about how adorable one's pets are; much as with children, everything thinks their own are the cutest, smartest and most charming.  But I've had cats all my life and every once and a while, one of my cats does something I've never seen another cat do; something so uniquely them it makes my heart swell. Of course, most cats like to wedge themselves into small, dark, cozy places - boxes, drawers, the corners of closets.  But consider my Sir Sweet Baby Boy (no, not his real name - it's weird superstition about posting pet names that I heard somewhere and have absorbed for no other reason than I figure it's better to be safe & superstitious than sorry).  My baby boy will wedge himself into absurdly small spaces.  So small, in fact, that it takes him several minutes of shifting, fidgeting and turning around and around to actually fit.  Recently, I watched him do this with my wastebasket and thought, No way.

Sacho basket

What did I learn?

Sacho basket 2

He's even cuter than I always suspected.

A little shameless self-promotion

Dolls (Mine)Your Name4 Comments

I had hoped to come up with something witty and original and terribly charming for this post, but, due to a last-minute dinner invitation, I won't have time.  I was recently interviewed by the lovely Jessica of Wayside Violet, so I'm including the Q & A here, and my apologies if some of this is old news.  I promise to try to scrape together at least a smidge of wit and charm for my next post.  I'm also including some photos of two recently finished dolls that will be included in my Sept. 26th shop update, as well as a few work-in-progress shots.  These are my smallest dolls to date - 8 to 10 inches.  I almost feel like they should be called Black-Eyed Suzettes.  Suzettinis?


Q. Could you tell us a little about yourself?

I’m a writer and graduate student currently completing a degree in Literature and Creative Writing. I’m trying to finish my first novel, which involves much time alone, self-doubt and staring out into the abyss, hoping not to fall in. I love Virginia Woolf, but hope not to suffer for my art quite as much as her. I live in Montreal with my husband and three loony cats. Sometimes, I truly can’t believe I’m in my thirties, as I feel mostly ill-equipped for adulthood. After almost two decades of waitressing, nannying and teaching, I now do whatever I can to avoid having a ‘real job’. I talk to my cats and, sometimes, my dolls. 

Flossie wip

Q. When did you begin making dolls? 

I started making dolls in 2004. I was living in a trailer in the Maine woods with my husband but, as a Canadian, was unable to work. I stayed home alone for hours each day to work on my novel (yes, the same one I’m working on now!) while my husband went off to work, but soon feared I was going a bit whacky (along the lines of Jack Nicholson in The Shining). My husband had given me a Dame Darcy Doll for my birthday, and I was transfixed by how much character and beauty was contained in this tiny creature. Making dolls saved my sanity that year; I made little friends for myself.

Two wips

Q. Every item in your shop is so beautiful and gloomy! What is your creative process like?

Why, thank you! My process varies. I don’t usually sketch my dolls first, but rather just start sculpting and see how the doll turns out. I sometimes start with a particular colour scheme in mind, but often, once I’ve painted the doll’s face, she looks very different from how I imagined and ends up with completely different hair and clothing than what I initially had in mind. It sounds odd, but it sort of feels a bit like the doll is making itself and I don’t really have that much control.

Ghos wip

Q. What's a normal day in your life like?
This is almost an embarrassing question to answer, because at the moment I’m taking the semester off school to finish my thesis/novel - a normal day in my life is extremely cushy and self-centered. My husband brings me tea in bed and I drink it while I stare out the window or read for a while – it’s often my favourite part of the day. I try to write my fiction first thing when I get up, before I can be distracted by some of the more mundane aspects of my day such as email, bills, cleaning, etc… There is a lovely little library near my house where I like to write, and once I’m done I usually browse through back issues of Paris Vogue (for dolly fashion inspiration) or Martha Stewart (knowing full well I’ll never do more than 3% of the things I read in there, if that, but still enjoying the domestic porn-ness of it all). In the afternoon I work on my dolls, answer emails, blog, tidy up (I’m clean but incorrigibly messy, as my husband always points out). I used to go swimming in the afternoon, but I broke my knee this summer and haven’t yet worked up the enthusiasm to exercise again. In the evening, I either make dinner or work on my dolls some more, depending on whom the domestic duties have fallen upon that day. After dinner, I usually read, craft or watch one my ‘stories’ (I’m addicted to True Blood, Mad Men and Project Runway). If I were in school, there would be a few classes and whole bunch more reading thrown into that day, but still a very pleasant day all around. When I was younger I imagined my future self as some kind of fabulous itinerant bohemian who would never settle down, and it turns out I’m the opposite: a very grateful and contented homebody.

Af wp

Q. What inspires you most of all?
Do I sound like a prat if I say beauty? And maybe also decay… I do have a somewhat dark, Victorian or old-timey aesthetic, so I’m very inspired by old fairy tale books by Arthur Rackham and Dulac. I often get ideas from the novels I read, which tend to be Fin-de-Siecle or Modernist, and I look at a lot of costume books from those periods. I studied anatomy for two years, so I also use my old textbook as a reference. While my dolls’ proportions are very exaggerated, I like them to have aspects that are drawn from accurate anatomical images. But most of all? My man. He writes beautifully, and he’s the kindest, most encouraging person I’ve ever known. He helps me choose the names for my dolls, makes their stands, thinks very seriously about whether this one needs bangs or that one, an upsweep without ever making me feel silly. I have to keep those little dollies in line – they’re always throwing themselves at him!

Unstuck & Hooked

Dolls (Mine)Your NameComment

My travel schedule was somewhat thwarted this week due to a cat-care snag (you know who you are, bad friend who doesn't read this blog anyway so I can publicly scold you with impunity!) We are still going, but will now be leaving this Friday and staying only a week to ten days instead of two full weeks.  Bad, bad friend.  But it might be okay - two weeks might have been a bit tiring as a convalescent.

As a convalescent, I've been frustratingly unproductive.  People say to take things easy, not push it, etc., and while I'm sure that's good advice, I hate having to lie down and not be able to put in my usual time in my studio.  I don't like naps.  I have nothing against them in theory, but they make me cranky so I don't see the point. (My husband thinks I'm an alien.)  So I've been feeling very slow and stuck these past few weeks, only able to put in an hour here and there and not feeling very inspired.  But finally, yesterday and today felt like normal, healthy, productive days where I could sit for hours in the same position.  Let the unsticking begin...


The upper left hand photo is of a new pendant design I'm working on; the pendants sold out pretty quickly last time, and I felt bad that I'd only made  four, so this design is a little more practical and hopefully means I can offer more the next time.  I'm also working on new dolls, ornaments and busts and have decided on Halloweeny/ Menagerie theme.  But this will be a more ethereal ghosts-and-wraiths kind of Halloween more than witches and pumpkins.  Lots of white and paleness and general spookiosity (sometimes Georgina, the narrator of Angus, Thongs and Full Frontal Snogging gets trapped in my head.  Yes, I read my teenage sisters books when I'm home for Christmas - I confess!)

The confession of guilty pleasure brings me to the 'hooked' par

Picture 13

t of this post's title. On Thursday I wasn't feeling well, so I took to my bed.  While a sensible person would sleep under these circumstances, I've already mentioned my horror of the nap.  So, cating about for something to amuse me, I remembered that a friend of mine once mentioned being addicted to project runway, and I was feeling in need of some eye candy, hoping it might inspire me a little.  A little??  I watched the entire season 5 of Project Runway in two days. Generally, I don't like reality t.v. watching that much of anything in two days is pretty gross, but the weather was rainy and it was so addictive, I just let myself be sucked in.  AND my favourite designer (Leanne Marshall) won, which made me happy.  She was sort of nerdy and quirky and I assume people like her never fare that well in the big, splashy  world of corporate-sponsored t.v., but she rocked it.  And she even has an Etsy store, just like a normal person, though it's on hiatus at the moment. (The above photo was taken from her shop's sold items). Anyway, I was very inspired by the way she manipulates fabric to give her clothing beautiful details and structure.   I plan to  to try something more unusual with my forthcoming  dolls' clothing as a result.

Finally, I just have to share this hilarious photo of my dear, sweet boy who we finally broke down and had groomed during last week's heat wave.  The poor darling was so miserable that we had him shaved -  most of his lovely, soft fur cut away.  But despite the potentially humiliating nature of this hairdo, I think he still manages to look pretty damned fine!



First Official Shop Update

Dolls (Mine)Your Name7 Comments

Yet who would have thought
the old man to have
so much blood in him?

Lady mclose blog asks that naughty Lady MacBeth after her conscious finally starts to creep up on her for having convinced her man to kill Duncan.  My post-punk Lady MacBeth is the first in a series of Shakespeare characters I'm working on for my first official shop update.  I find the whole business of editing photos and posting my items in my Etsy shop the least fun part of having an online store; I'd much rather be making things.  So I'm taking a page from the book a few others clever Etsy sellers who have shop updates.  Basically, it involves listing several new things all at once, rather than here and there, which is what I've always done in the past.  I'm hoping getting all my photo editing and listing done in one big batch will make it seem a bit less tiresome.
Lady m blog

The update will take place on Friday, July 17th at 6:00 p.m. EST, but I'll be posting about it again before then.  I'll also be sure to post pictures of all the items that will be included in the update: at least six new dolls, one bust, a few new prints and three new pendants.  I've tried to make things in a variety of price ranges, so hopefully there will be something for everyone (everyone who likes Shakespearean characters dressed in decidedly non-Elizabethan costume, that is... I'm being inspired by the 20s and 30s at the moment, as well as the British fashion magazine Lula.)


Have I mentioned yet that I am freeeeeeee? Free of academic drudgery, free of three hours of reading per day, free of essay-writing, free of schedules.  Free to make dolls and write my book all I want.  The other night, a friend asked me how "the old novel" is going.  The old novel indeed.  I've been working on this book off and on for  so many years I'm too afraid to actually count them.  But it had to be finished by December if I ever want to graduate, which I really do.  I'm actually hugely relieved to have  a deadline in sight, as deadlines have always been very good for me (maybe another good reason to go the shop update route?)  Anyway, just to give you an idea of how much material I have generated over the years, I took the above picture of just some of my files and notebooks...truly, this not all of it.  Rather than feeling good about this mass of material, I find it very daunting because there is just so much to go through and edit and finally type (yes, I write long-hand - with a fountain pen , no less! -  a fact that elicits utter amazement from most people.  I'm the world's slowest typist.) 

Old novel, I will tame you.